Lasting Words

Fear is a feeling you wish
you did not have to feel
your suffering
is a hard fact
(you suffered –
you cannot change that)
You wish you could change
the “what was” and erase
the hopelessness, worthlessness
of that dark place;
wish that your story could somehow be shaped
with an alternate slant
but you can’t
unwrite words and you can’t
unfeel pain
The past is unflinching – attempts
to forget it have all been in vain
so hurt seems to be
a nostalgic refrain
to your life
But fear is a feeling
It was and it is
Yet it does not have power
that you do not give
and the feeling will fade
just as all feelings do
The fear is a word
and the hurt is one too
and those words that were cruel,
undeserved and untrue
yes, pain is a word –
and it happened to you
But they are not last –
only words and not Word
(At night you are haunted
by words you have heard)
But they will not always
speak loudly
Your freedom was bought
long ago
And your future is not
of enslavement to fear
The pain flickers on, but the peace you have sought –
It is already here