Cycles of Light

The darkness is dark
But is always for sometimes
And not without end
The bend
in your future will come
And you will be new
Remade though you do not know how
You are loved as you were
and loved as you are
Your weakness takes nothing away
You’re no less of a person
because someone said
that you were not enough
Your steps will be led
where they are meant to go
And some nights are hopeless
yet cycle to light
and mornings that rise
as especially bright,
with golden-streaked clouds
and the glistening white
of a snow that fell silently while
you slept on unaware
of the promise a new day could bring
The unexpected gratitude
that springs
from barren wells of self –
The self you thought you lost
But still is yours
For you are more
Than words, than pain,
than hurt inflicted, love that feigned
as truth. You are
not in the shadows.
You belong to light.
And night will never have the right
to claim you
now or in the days that come
Your hope will come
(it’s here already yet –
sometimes you still forget
to look)