Daily Beauty, Day #29: Transcendence

I have a tendency to think too much.
It is so tempting to try to rationalize everything, to reason through things that need to be done and things that have already happened. There are so many thoughts that flit through our minds, remaining ever unexpressed. We question and we doubt and thoughts flicker across our consciousness, thoughts that we would never share and thoughts we do not understand.
Sometimes, we become so wrapped up in our thoughts that it is essential to gain perspective. By perspective, I mean that we must look at our own earthly life in relation to all of God’s glory. In this regard, we are small. Standing before the splendour of His creation, we are a piece in the puzzle of all His people, a blink in the eye of eternity… and petty problems and consuming thoughts no longer seem to have power.
Perhaps being so small could be seen as demoralizing or discouraging, as though our temporal nature makes us insignificant. But I don’t think this is the case. I think it is beautiful to belong. It is beautiful to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, something that transcends our mortal bounds and limitations. Our reason can only proceed so far and then it is incapable of mounting any further. In our weakness and imperfect knowledge, isn’t it beautiful to know that we are united with Strength, Knowledge and Truth in their purest forms?
There are moments in our lives when we are distinctly, inexplicably aware of this divine nature of the human experience. That is, we are aware of the temporariness of our time on earth and we feel a presence beyond thought, a truth beyond feeling, a conviction beyond explanation, an assurance beyond doubt or uncertainty.
Transcendence. Words cannot reach high enough. But something within us was created to look upwards, to understand what is greater than understanding, without evidence or earthly guarantee.