One Little Thing

One little thing…
One little strand that goes astray; a tiny fragment of life that’s out of order. The other pieces seem unimportant in light of the one that has fallen, the one that is out of place.
Narrowed focus has become my burden. I pay too much attention. I dwell. If only I could widen my gaze. If only I could shift my eyes from the shadows and look into the light.
One black spot on an otherwise bright page. I am drawn towards the darkness. The black seems to consume me; it spreads slowly through my mind, creeps to the edges of the paper, dims all the other shades to grey. I am empty. I am lost, because I’m in too deep. I’m far too close to see.
What if, for once, I don’t stand still? What if I stumble backwards? The spot becomes a passing speck as distance mounts between us. Soon I squint and only light confronts me. Brilliant, white, blinding light; that’s all there is. I start to see the joy, to see the beauty. The love fills in the spaces left unhinged.
I wish that I could always live so lightly. But I fall victim often to my thoughts. I am persuaded by the lies that follow. The lies that crowd my heart with futile plots.
Then I see brief flashes. I think I see the end. The only thing that truly will survive. The one long-lasting treasure on this small and fickle earth. I start to see myself and I start to feel my worth.
When fear pursues me with its cold, relentless hands, I will not run. Instead I’ll reach for memories, for a glimmer I once knew. I’ll remember what will matter.
And my sight will be made new.