Only You

You see yourself frozen
Behind the glass
A portrait of imperfections
In the beyond you cannot reach
But this is not how I see you
You see your eyes searching
Desperation in the lines
Around your mouth
And in an overeager gaze
But this is not how I see you
You see yourself from outside
Observing coldly
Where you fall below
These thoughts of beauty
But this is not how I see you
You see from every angle
Poised glances
Of ill-disguised hope
And flashes of judgement
But this is not how I see you
You see your dreaming fading
The flush of fancied youth
And now your smile is empty
Wishing it had worth
But this is not how I see you
I see your animation
Lost inside a tale
Passion seeping through your pores
Alive in every sense
This is how I see you
I see your joy-filled eyes
When you think that no one does,
Brimming with something
Above what words could say
This is how I see you
I see you as a someone
No one else could ever be
A reflection of great beauty
That I have never seen
This is how I see you
I see the light within you
As it shines forth in bright beams
Spilling over all
Those in your presence
This is how I see you
I see you only now
But I feel your endless promise
A smile that is so full
Inestimable value
This is how I see you
But it doesn’t really matter how I see you
If you don’t believe it’s true
Yet while you see only what you’re not,
I see only you