
What do you want most?

It’s a pretty broad question. But some things must flash forward: notions of happiness and love, certain landmarks in life you long to reach. But is there just one thing that could satisfy? Could one thing ever be enough? Enough to stop the pining, enough to feel content… Enough to treasure each precious breath instead of watching the horizon for our someday etched in the starry night sky.

It’s easy to believe that the acquisition of one success would colour our world bright again. Problems rise like mountains before us, blocking our view of what lies beyond. Desire to see the other side, to see that the valley that follows is green and full of promise and not barren and bleak, is overwhelming. The path over the mountain always seem to take a different twist or turn, yet still I reach the valley and it is everything I hoped, just not in the way that I hoped. But the bliss, the relief of reprieve is momentary. The steady surface does not last.

I want success. I want happiness. I want love. I want to see my dreams fulfilled. I would hardly be human if I didn’t.

The question that remains is this: are those the things I want most?

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Facing the Light

When I feel my fear rise up,
Nearly choke me as it comes,
You ask me to remember,
To be mindful of Your love
My flick’ring heart is fickle
And it turns the wrong direction.
Remind me please, O Lord,
You only are perfection.
I want not to feed the evil
But to focus on the light.
I want to give You all control
And not to try and fight.
Place before my eyes
A quick glimpse of salvation,
For from such everlasting love
There can be no separation.

True Triumph

Happy Christmas Eve! It’s crazy to think that this day is already upon us. In some ways, the last couple of months seem to have stretched out for a lifetime, but in other ways it feels like they’ve passed by so fast. A lot has changed for me in the last few months. Before September, I had never been away from home for more than three nights, and now I’ve lived on my own for almost four months!!! Although many obstacles have been present along the way, the feeling after overcoming these minor and major roadblocks is so much better than if they had not been there in the first place. It makes me think of the following quote: “Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful” (-Joshua J. Marine).

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In God’s Eyes

It’s been a very, very long time since I last posted on this blog, but I’m hopeful that I can turn over a new leaf and start making more regular updates. As one of the co-leaders of a new Christian Youth Group at my school, I thought it would be nice (and give me some structure), if I wrote a blog each week about our ever-changing theme. This week the theme was dating…

You may ask (and would be totally justified in doing so), what makes me qualified to write any kind of reflection about dating? I’ve never dated anyone before and I’ve never had a boyfriend. So maybe it does mean that I don’t have all of the answers when it comes to having relationships, but I think I am more than qualified when it comes to not having them.

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The Christmas Season!

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la la!!!

In other words, the Christmas season has begun, and as the rest of the song goes, “tis the season to be jolly!” When white, fluffy snow blankets the ground and bright, cozy lights shine from every corner, I find the whole world seems happier, or “jollier,” I guess you could say. Sure, it’s still November, and maybe there is more slush than snow, but to me, that feeling of Christmas is already here! It is the first week of Advent, so that also got me thinking about Christmas and what it really means…

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I’ve been sitting here for the past 15 minutes trying to figure out how to start my blog. How do you start a blog? I mean, I guess it’s different for everyone, but what should I do? Should I introduce myself first, or get into what I want to talk about right away? And what do I want to talk about anyways? So many questions… And like usual, I’m not sure about the answers. But if there’s one thing I’m learning, it’s that maybe, sometimes, there is no right answer. Maybe the right answer for me would be completely wrong for someone else.

I guess I might as well introduce myself, now that I’ve bridged that always difficult opening paragraph. My name is Jenny and I am a high school student who loves to write, which is pretty much why I decided to start my own blog. I have a lot to say and written words always seem to express my thoughts best. Who knows: maybe no one will even read this blog but me. If that happens, I guess you could say that I’m wasting my time here talking to myself, which may seem a little weird. But by now, I should really learn to embrace my weirdness instead of fighting it!

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